Truth or Myth: Uncovering the Realities of Running for Fitness Enthusiasts

published on 11 May 2023
Photo by Nathalie Désirée Mottet on Unsplash
Photo by Nathalie Désirée Mottet on Unsplash

1 minute read

I started running last year after a long gap. The gap was also due to a bunch of silly things that were holding me back. If you have been on the fence like I was, this will help.

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But I am overweight...

I was overweight and embarrassed to be seen on the road, running. Fat flying everywhere, what would people think?

Turned out nobody gives a s***. Those that did make eye contact sent positive vibes. Almost like saying "Hey, good job. You got this."

Then they went about their business and probably forgot about me in 30 seconds. This is what I was afraid off?

If you're overweight and considering running, go do it. No one cares about you or your man boobs. We have our own insecurities to deal with.

Give a thumbs up to anyone you see running. It goes a long way.

But running can kill my knees

I love asking Orthopedics about the relationship between knee pain and exercising.  

Yet to meet a doctor who said that running is bad for your knees. Infact, most knee replacements are due to obesity and lack of activity.

Your body has a simple formula - 'use it or lose it'.

If you run there's a good chance you will be walking like a stud in your 70's and 80's. Those that don't, well look around and you will see folks barely able to get around in that age.

Running makes me soooo tired

Are you a female? Are you pre-menopausal? Are you always tired?

Sounds like an infomercial!

Go get your iron levels checked by a doctor. 

If you feel terrible while running, take days to recover and just tired throughout the day, you might have low levels of iron in your body.

Please don't start taking iron supplements without consulting a doctor. I am not a doctor and don't pretend to be one on the internet.

Men - get your bloodwork done too. I was low on B12 last year that was making me dizzy and lightheaded after runs. 

I will start running when I buy the new ...

You don't the latest smartwatch or a new pair of shoes to start running. You only need a new attitude.

Man up. Woman up. He up. She up. 

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